The ministry started in 2016 and at first, it was only church-based and only engaged in preaching door to door gospel but after the time of consistency of its great work of preaching in areas of Natete and nearby places.The C.E.O of it Mr.Muwonge Joel Tebandeke decided to begin off with helping orphans the next year(2017) and we began with off with 21 orphan children and 5 street kids who were living near places of Nantete where we reside.
With time after a lot of hard-worked and love God, we began doing other charity work like helping illiterates in our community, providing things like food to the single moms who couldn’t find what to eat. But again our goals at Dasom Ministries were even Bigger than that, we had dreams of making this world a better place for everyone,a place where everyone has access to shelter, food, water, education etc and we will never stop until we rich our goals. We want to live in a world where the children are not abused and the needy get all the basic needs in life. In Nantete almost every day we find harassed and emotionally tortured kids on street starving without what eat and clean water to drink, some even sleep under the tunnels after running away from their parents or after losing their parents.
Not only do we help orphans and widowed with food and some basic needs that we are of reach, we also help those who are emotionally depressed children and people in our area by giving them hope and also teaching them the word of God. So far in 2021 we have 96 children which we provide basic needs to and for the moment according to our capabilities we can only provide shelter to those since our space is kind of small but we have plans of making our place even bigger. We want to make Dasom Home of Orphans a place to live for all kinds of needy people. Dasom Ministries Uganda seeks to address some of the most pervasive problems in rural Uganda, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, hunger, poor education, poverty, access to clean drinking water, and orphaned children. In addition, we focus on empowering the youth of Uganda with different skills and leadership training.
Dasom Ministries Uganda is a place where all orphans,less priviledged and street children are free from physical, emotional and spiritual torture with hope for tomorrow. We do not raise fund for ourselves. Indeed, we use all the funds that come through charity in the best of the best way in terms of holistic development of children of all age groups. Our team is relentlessly working day and night to ensure that there will be no hassle for our fund donor.